1. What new appreciations did you develop while working as an intern? Why?
  2. What qualities or characteristics did you see in the people around you that you want to develop in yourself? Why?

I really appreciate the time teachers put in because as a student you don't really get to see the work that happens beyond your own assignments. 

Mr. Vega was very engaged and down to earth with the students. It may have come from his prowess as an actor. I want to be able to inspire that kind of dominating respect in the students so that they'll listen to what I have to teach more.
  1. How was your work as an intern meaningful to your education?
  2. How was your work significant or meaningful to the world beyond school and your specific internship site?
It was meaningful because I got to see what it's like behind the scenes of the classroom, and that helped me to learn what a teacher really does.

It was meaningful to the outside because I feel like the tasks I was doing helped the students to learn more, and to alleviate some of the burden from the teacher.

This was the result of a last minute effort at making a song parody out of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. It was done so that the student director for a day could know, through song, what the class was doing for the day. Mr. Vega felt that since he was the drama teacher, he should really try and wow the student with this.
As the intern, I was tasked with trying to add to the class, this was one such instance where I did so. The class had to find what monologue they wanted but to do their monologue correctly, Mr. Vega thought that they would have to understand the context of the play. To do this he had them all read the sparknotes of the play but felt that it wasn't enough. I suggested we had them read the character Bio as well in order to further their understanding.
During my internship, with the help of another intern, I helped to set up components of a silent film exhibition at the school. This was the popcorn stand.
These were the art displays component of the exhibition, as well as the intern who helped do it as well.
Mr. Vega's X block was like his normal class: drama. The play they were doing while I was there was "Horton hears a who." This is the banner.
This was the schedule that I got on the first day of internship.
This was the viewing area for the silent films.
This was the sink area where I stood and kept watch of the class for the first few days. I felt that I had to know the class through careful vigilance before I lead the class.
How have you advocated for yourself during your internship, or seen advocacy demonstrated in other situations? Mr. Vega has expressed many times that he has problems with memory and articulation clarity. He tasked me with trying to keep him on track whenever he strayed from his own teaching path or forgot to do something like take role. 
  • What connections can you make between this internship and what you've done in school?
  • Well, interning as a teacher, it feels strange to hear the same lecture over and over again but at the same time to never really be a participant, but rather a facilitator. 
What questions do you have about your internship?

Do my duties as an intern extend beyond just the
  • What strikes you most about your workplace?
  • --It's very relaxed and stressless.
  • What strikes you most about your colleagues? (remember this is a publicly visible blog)
  • --The students are all very nice and very giggly, Mr. Vega is very helpful and does the impossible by teaching the art of teaching.
  • What strikes you most about the job you're doing?
  • --Much of it is behind the scenes while the kids work on their assignments.
  • What are you excited about?
  • --Being able to see the silent film exhibition and POL monologue practice.
  • What are you worried about?
  • --Not a lot, it seems like a fairly relaxed internship. 
(summarized answers)

1. What is your job title?

Drama teacher.

2. What are your duties in this job? 

Teach the kids about the theatrical arts in ways that are fun and engaging.

3. Do you have any kids?


4. What does average class curriculum include?

Project work or project explanations and help.

5. Do you speak spanish?

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